American University of Paris fees

November 30, 2015

Tuition and fees for graduates students in 48 credit programs on the semester payment plan:

Fall 2015 Spring 2016* Summer 2016
Tuition 12, 800
Health fees 845
Orientation fee (with temporary housing) 580
Orientation fee (without temporary housing) 420
Total semesterly tuition and fees (with temporary orientation housing)* €14, 225 €12, 800
Total semesterly tuition and fees (without temporary orientation housing)* €14, 065

(*) Graduate students entering in Spring 2016 will have to pay the semester health fee (€530) and a one time orientation fee (€580 with temporary housing, €420 without temporary housing).

Tuition and fees for graduates students in the 64 credit program on the semester payment plan in 2015-2016 are presented below. As this is a four-semester program, please note that tuition may change in 2016-2017.

fall 2015 spring 2016*
Total semesterly tuition and fees (with temporary orientation housing)
Total semesterly tuition and fees (without temporary orientation housing)

Installment plan

Full-time students may apply to pay on the installment plan. This plan consists of four installments for either Fall 2015 or Spring 2016 semester, before the beginning of the semester, and the first month is due upon receipt of invoice. There is no installment plan option for summer.

Tuition and fees are due in full prior to the start of a semester.

  • For the fall semester, the four installments will be due on 1 June, 1 July, 1 August and 1 September. To avoid late fees, all payments must be received by September 1.
  • For the spring semester, the payments must be submitted during the fall by 1 October, 1 November, and 1 December and 1 January.

Fees are due in full on the first payment. Tuition is divided into four payments.

A service fee of €200 is charged for the installment plan.

Tuition and fees for any graduate student in a 38 or 48 credit program who wishes to pay in installments:

Fall 2015

first month remaining 3 months
3, 200
Health fees*
Service fee 50
Total monthly tuition and fees (with temporary orientation housing) €4, 675 €3, 250
Total monthly tuition and fees (without temporary orientation housing) €4, 515

(*) Graduate students who are only paying for Fall 2015 will only have to pay the semester health fee (€530).

Spring 2016

Total tuition and fees

(*) Graduate students who are starting in Spring 2016 will have to pay the semester health fee €530 and orientation fees of €420.

Please add €160 if temporary housing is needed during orientation. All fees are due with the first installment.

1st payment 2nd payment 3rd payment 4th and final payment
Fall 2015 1 June or upon receipt of invoice 1 July 1 August 1 September
Spring 2016 1 October or upon receipt of invoice 1 November 1 December 1 January

Tuition and fees for any graduate student in a 62 credit program who wishes to pay in installments. The below fee structure applies to students starting in either Fall 2015 and Spring 2016:

Full-time tuition

Full-time tuition (12-18 credits) covers basic tuition for four courses per semester.

Full-time tuition includes the cost of student activities, academic support services, and housing services.

Part-time tuition

Tuition is charged on a per-credit basis for students enrolled in 1-11 credits during fall and spring semesters. Tuition for 2015-16 is €800 per credit.

Auditor fee

Auditors pay 50% of the per-credit basis. As tuition for 2015-16 is €800 per credit, the auditor rate is €400 per credit.


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