Oxford’s history and identity have always been tied to its university, which is the oldest college in all of the English speaking world. Oxford first became a noteworthy settlement in England during the middle ages, and its university was quick to follow suit. Though no one knows the specific date of its foundation, the University of Oxford is believed to have come into existence nearly 1, 000 years ago.
Today, many of Oxford’s local businesses and top industries have roots in academia. From major publishing names, like the Oxford University Press, to prestigious scientific corporations based in university research, the college seems to have an omnipotent presence around town. The school itself enrolls some 22, 000 students each year, which constitutes roughly 15 percent of the city’s population.
But there is still plenty to do in Oxford beyond education. Shops, theaters, museums, parks, libraries, during any high school program in Oxford students should take advantage of all that the city has to offer. On the weekends, students can spend their free time exploring the beautiful historical architecture and surrounding countryside. Oxford is also only a short train ride away from other exciting locations around the British Isles, such as London, Edinburgh, and Dublin.